13 February 2018

#13 - Perspective

After 'In Goya's Greatest Scenes We Seem To See' by Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

(It's probably worth you looking at some Goya paintings, too) 

In Goya’s greatest scenes, what do we see?
A firing squad that interrupts a party;
A maid in varied states of nudity;
The havoc caused when giants get all farty.

Two women dumbly sharing one umbrella;
A dog that’s somehow buried all its bones;
Some odd Les Dawson lookalikey fellas –
a beggar’s banquet, missing half the Stones.

Gymnastic dunces floating in the air,
suspended in the black like twisted puppets;
Infantivorous deities who stare
with googly eyes just like you find on Muppets.

I see these scenes, my pits and palms all sweaty,
and thank the stars that I ain’t Ferlinghetti.


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